lisa's journeys

A record of my travels with my 2 small children and husband.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


The number one thing I love about Amsterdam is the bicycles. For some it may be the coffee houses and being able to get stoned legally. For me it is the way that bicycles are incorporated into everyday traffic therefor becoming a real alternative. I love the way cycling around gawking for a few hours makes me feel. It almost seems to nullify all the fattening foods I have been eating since I arrived.

I see all these cycles designed to allow parents to cart their children around and I wish I could have these back home. There are even clever covers for the many times it rains or has other bad weather. There is not much bad that can be said about this part of the culture. I think it is the reason the Dutch look overall pretty healthy. It certainly isnæt their diet!

Walnut Creek has great bicycle paths but it would be hard to do my shopping or other errands with a bicycle as their are just not enough paths that go through town. Also the roads nearest to me dont even have sidewalks nad I would just worry for the safety of my kids. Still it may be something I will have to investigate more carefully when I get home as it is a great way to get some excercise. I am really starting to feel good from it.

Mind you all my cycling has been solo as I don`t feel agile enough to try going around with my kids. Maybe if I was here a few more weeks I would feel differently.


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